Vision, learning, and acceleration lab spring seminar series - VLA-Lab Seminar | Simplifying Your Models! Transferable Sparsity and Beyond

A sparse neural network (NN) has most of its parameters set to zero and is traditionally considered as the product of NN compression (i.e., pruning). Yet recently, sparsity has exposed itself as an important bridge for modeling the underlying low dimensionality of NNs, for understanding their generalization, implicit regularization, expressivity, and robustness. Deep NNs learned with sparsity-aware priors have also demonstrated significantly improved performances through a full stack of applied work on algorithms, systems, and hardware. In this talk, I plan to cover some of our recent progress on the practical, theoretical, and scientific aspects of sparse NNs. I will try scratching the surface of three aspects: (1) practically, why one should love a sparse NN, beyond just a post-training NN compression tool; (2) theoretically, what are some understandings that one can expect from the transferability of sparse NNs; and (3) what is future prospect of exploiting sparsity.

講者/ 表演者:
Tianlong Chen
University of Texas at Austin

Tianlong Chen is currently a forth-year Ph.D. student of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Texas at Austin, advised by Dr. Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang. Before coming to UT Asutin, Tianlong received his Bachelor's degree at Univeristy of Science and Technology of China. His research focuses on building efficient, accurate, robust, and automated machine learning systems. Recently, Tianlong is working on extreme sparse neural networks with undamaged trainability, expressivity, and transferability. Tianlong has published more than 60+ papers at top-tier venues (NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, etc.). Tianlong is a recipient of the 2021 IBM PhD Fellowship Award, 2021 Graduated Dean's Prestigious Fellowship, and 2022 Adobe PhD Fellowship Award. Tianlong has conducted research internships at Google, IBM Research, Facebook Research, Microsoft Research, and Walmart Technology.


Zhiqiang Shen (
