AIAA Distinguished Speaker Series at HKUST - Future Propulsion: Nuclear Fission, Fusion, and Beyond

11:00am - 12:00pm

Nuclear propulsion promises performance many orders of magnitude better than chemical propulsion. Chemical propulsion can give us the moon, but nuclear propulsion can give us the solar system and even the stars. In this talk, the theoretical underpinnings of nuclear propulsion, the historical experiments, and the prospects for the future will be discussed. At the discretion of the organizers, fission, fusion, or other future concepts can be focused on.

Speaker :    Mr. Jim Cavera
Zoom Link :
Meeting ID: 926 4119 2191
Passcode: 863948

講者/ 表演者:

Mr. Cavera is a senior engineer with Blue Origin. He has undergraduate degrees in optical engineering and physics, and his graduate work was in nuclear engineering and aerospace engineering, during which he explored the use of dense plasma focus devices for interstellar travel.  He has served for many years on AIAA's Nuclear and Future Flight Technical Committee and is currently its vice chair. His current research is in neutronics and MHD codes for fusion device simulation.

Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering