Call for Applications -  Hospital Authority Data Collaboration Laboratory (HADCL) Self-service Data Platform

The Hospital Authority has established a big data analytics platform, called the Hospital Authority Data Collaboration Laboratory (HADCL) for purposes of identifying usable information in order to improve clinical and healthcare policies, facilitate biotechnological research, and help improve clinical and healthcare services. HADCL has launched a Self-service Data Platform to provide high-quality sample data and advanced statistical analytic platform for researchers to draft hypothesis and proposals for health big data research.

The sample data of Self-service Data Platform is made of structured data from around 200,000 patients randomly selected from the patient populations of 2007 and 2017, stratified by age and gender. The sample data contains patients’ demographic characteristics, attendance records to hospitals or clinics, clinical diagnosis, procedures, medication and laboratory results and radiology examination results. Researchers can make use of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) in HADCL to draw inspiration for health big data research from the sample data by themselves.


Target Participants
Academic researchers from UGC-funded universities who would like to

  • draft research hypothesis / proposal but do not have experience using HA clinical data
  • make research study by using the sample data provided*

*Ethics approval will be required for research study and/or publication using the sample data in the Self-service Data Platform.


Applicants for accessing Self-service Data Platform should be / have

  • currently an academic researcher / academic staff from one of the UGC-funded universities;
  • University degree;
  • Knowledge about SAS tools and programming skills; and
  • Basic understanding of HA clinical systems and data


A maximum of 5-day access to the service will be granted for each successful application, and fresh application is required for any further access requests beyond 5 days. Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email from HADCL office regarding the access period and other arrangement.


HA Data Collaboration Laboratory, 7/F, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre


Terms and Conditions for Access to HADCL
All HA Data is confidential information and shall be kept confidential at all times. The user shall comply with the Terms and Conditions for Access to HADCL. Please also read through the terms as set out in Confidentiality Undertaking carefully.


Application Procedure
For details, please refer to the information on the Research Office’s website. Please submit the following completed documents to the Research Office:

*Alternatively, please bring along the staff card to Research Office for identification verification.


Application Deadline
Except for the first-round application, RO will submit a list of applications to HADCL every 15th of the month. Please send the application documents to RO at least 2 working days before the monthly cut-off date. Please note that HADCL reserves the right to assign the access period for each applicant.

The deadline for the first-round application is 27 October 2020 (Tue).


Mickey Pat (Email:, Tel: 3469 2822)

Research Office 代表 Hospital Authority Data Collaboration Laboratory

Mickey Pat (Email:, Tel: 3469 2822)
