UG Hall VI One Bottle Challenge
9/F Common Room



Did you ever wonder how much waste you, as an individual, produce in a week? How about we test that out? We all know that it is not easy to reduce waste production habits, so we are organizing a one jar challenge that could let you cut down waste in a fun way. It will give you an insight into how you could live more sustainably! Therefore, we would like to cordially invite you to our One Bottle Challenge activity, the details are as follows: 

Put all of your undegradable wastes into a bottle to observe how much waste you produce in a week 


  1. If the waste are bug waste pieces like shoe, clothes or cardboard, try to find a way to recycle/replenish it. 
  2. For food, try to purchase less packaging by carrying your own lunchbox, water bottle, buying fresh foods to cook rather than packaged food. 
  3. Compost using the compost bin provided in the common room. 
  4. Do not recycle the plastic/metal/paper just yet (that’s what you put in the jar) to see how much waste is accumulated in a week. 

Still skeptical? Take a look at this:

UG Hall VI

Enquiry:  Rubaiyat (

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